After seeing the arrival of Halloween of Fallout 76 , Bethesda released all the details about the event full of Spooky Scorched. The update is now available after maintenance with different variants of enemies and rewards so that players look for until the event comes to an end in November. A set of patch notes published together with the update details exactly what had changed so that the players do not lose anything.
As previously suggested, the highlight of the update are the new Spooky Scorched enemies. These are always legendary enemies of diverse rarity, which means that players will surely get at least something useful when defeating them.
Below are the full notes of the patch for the Halloween update that is available in fallout 76 as of Tuesday:
Spooky Chamuscado
Spooky Scorched will appear as legendary 1, 2 or 3 stars, which means you will receive a legendary object every time you eliminate one. You will also receive a creepy candy bag, which you can open to get some items such as consumables, ammunition and the opportunity for some Halloween theme plans. Finally, you will receive a piece of mysterious caramel that you can eat to receive one of the five random benefits, which may include increases in statistics or even effects similar to Nukashine. Tip: While it can be tempting to devour all your mysterious candies immediately, you may want to preserve some pieces to be able to participate in our TRICK-OR-TREATING event this year (more about that below). Please also note that, as Holiday Scorched, Spooky Scorched will not appear inside the interiors.
Trick or Treating
Visit the atomic store to claim a spooky candy bowl for free before November 2, constitute it in your camp and take it with MyStery Candy to enjoy those who want to ask for candy. Get mystery candy plundering spooky scorched or buying some with caps from the train station sellers in Appalachia. Tip: Place your Spooky Candy Bowl in an obvious place from your camp where you want to ask for sweets can easily find it. Also note that Spooky Candy Bowls can not be placed inside the shelters. Your camp will show a pumpkin icon on the map Once you have added MyStery Candy to your Spooky Candy Bowl, which will allow others dwellers to know that they can go through a gift. If your sweet bowl is empty, the pumpkin icon will stop appearing on your camp until you fill it again. Each trick or treatment can only take a sweet per hour of your bowl of candy, so there is no need to worry about that someone slips more than that corresponds to it. During the next two weeks, you will receive daily and weekly challenges to distribute candy, which you can complete to earn rewards. Daily challenges will grant you one of several possible rewards, such as a consumable item, a package of benefits cards, a lunchbox, repair kit or some score The weekly challenges to give sweets to those who do trick or treatment can grant score, rare handicraft materials or even Halloween costumes. Complete both weekly challenges and you will also receive a new corn popcorn machine for your camp! Dispose your favorite disguise, look for some friends and leave space in your package for many sweets, because it s time to cheat or treat your way by Wasteland! Open the map to see the camps that have a pumpkin icon, which indicates that the owner currently has a Spooky Candy Bowl supplied with Mystery Candy.
Every day until November 2, you will receive a new daily challenge to ask for candy in the camps of other inhabitants.
Like the daily challenges to distribute sweets, complete each day of trick or treatment will give you one of several rewards, including consumables, a package of benefits cards, a lunchbox, a repair kit or some score.
Be sure to use a disguise when you take mystery candy from another person s Spooky Candy Bowl to make sure you will receive the challenge credit.
There are many different costume options available in the game, such as the ones you can find during your adventures, a variety of rank rising rewards with unstoppable topics of season marker, as well as costumes that you can buy at the atomic store .
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