Update 0.2.1 has arrived for schlachtfeld 2042, and here is the complete list of changes and corrections added to this patch. Battlefield 2042 was anything but error-free. So far, players have performance issues, server-related problems and more. This patch should fix some problems so that the game should feel much better after installing the update. Everything is new in Battlefield 2042.
Battlefield 2042 Update 0.2.1 Catholics
Corrections, changes and improvements
Servers-side upgrades have been implemented, which aim to reduce instances of Rubber Banding, which often occurs in the later part of a round in all-out-warfare modes.
Significantly reduced stutter while playing on Breakaway. If the silos are destroyed, this should no longer affect performance on the server.
EIN note that we continue to examine similar incidents that were reported to us on other cards.
If you look at allies in your team, your names are now displayed correctly.
The animations for Flack during the end of round sequence have been adjusted to ensure that it is displayed correctly. A skin that Boris deserves over the championship progress was updated with a new name: Gator. It has been ensured that TDM rounds in the Battlefield Portal always start with active random deployment. We have observed that when changing from round to round sometimes not active, however, this has now fixed. Apply a number of measures that ensure the correct number of I spawns in custom battlefield portal modes with the preset free for all. Only PC — enabled specialist selection in hazard zone by mouse interaction, making the need to fix your selection with the space bar. A rare occurrence has been fixed in the danger zone, which sometimes led that the process at the end of the round has not been enabled properly, ensuring that the right amount has been awarded to Bonus EP. Fixed a problem in the danger zone that could cause players to appear on the map if they were not visible or discovered. A fix was provided for players in danger zones that have not updated their extraction strands correctly.
It is easy to hear that the developers solve server problems so early. Rubber bands and stuttering hinder the experience of players in many games. Now the names of allies are displayed correctly to avoid confusion in the game that leads to unexpected deaths. You have also solved some problems in game mode Hazard Zone. The game is still at an early stage and the players are eager to learn more about the mechanics, characters and how the movement works.
Battlefield 2042 is now available for PC, PS4 / 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series S / X. For more information about the patch, visit the Official Battlefield 2042 website.
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